By selecting Online from the drop-down menu in the top-left corner it is possible to retrieve data about the distribution in space (in different Hotspots) and time of the sessions of end-users.

The Tenant is able to filter results by selecting all WiFi Areas or only a particular WiFi Area. The Tenant and the WiFi Area Owner are able to filter results by selecting all Hotspots or only a particular Hotspot.
It is possible to select a time interval affecting all data in the page, except the "absolute statistics" described below in this page.
It is also possible to export all data to an XLS file, by clicking the Export button at the top-right corner of the page. Exported statistics depend on the values selected in the filters described above.
Line chart
The line chart at the top-left of this section allows to monitor as main metric:
- Number of Sessions: the number of Internet sessions performed by end-users in the specified period.
and at the same time you can compare this with secondary metrics, like:
- Number of Unique Logins: how many end-users tried to sign in to the Splash Portal in the specified period.
- Registered Users: how many end-users registered to the Splash Portal in the specified period.
- Session Time (Hours): how many hours of web browsing have been performed by end-users in the specified period.
- Traffic Data: how many data (in MB) has been uploaded and downloaded by end-users in the specified period: values are the sum of uploads and downloads.
It is possible to select the following frequency for the x-Axis:
At the top-right of this section, near to the line chart, it is possible to see additional statistics about the primary metric selected (number of sessions):
- MAX: the maximum number of Internet sessions in the frequency selected above, according to the selected time interval range.
- Average: the average number of Internet sessions in the frequency selected above, according to the selected time interval range.

Absolute/Time interval statistics
Under this section, some dashboards provide additional data. It is possible to have data according to the following criteria:
- Absolute: the provided information refers to the WiFi Area, from its creation date, until now.
- Time interval: the provided information refers to the time interval range that has been selected at the top of the page.
The following data are provided (for the selected time interval range):
- Total number of sessions: the total number of Internet sessions performed ny end-users.
- Average number of online users: the number of Internet sessions per day.
- Average number of sessions per Hotspot: the average number of registered end-users divided by the number of managed Hotspots.
- Average number of online users per Hotspot: the average number of Internet sessions divided by the number of managed Hotspots.
- Max number of online users: the maximum number of online users detected.
- Average session per user: the average session time detected divided by the number of end-users.
- Average number of sessions per WiFi Area: the average number of session detected divided by the number of WiFi Areas.
- Average number of online users per WiFi Area: the average number of online users divided by the number of WiFi Areas.
Below, there are the following datatables (for the selected time interval range):
- Session termination reason (share): here are listed the top 5 reasons (if present) for end-users session timeout.
- Login reject reason (share): here are listed the top 5 reasons (if present) for unsuccessful end-users authentications to the Splash Portal.