Survey Pro is an application which allows to interact real-time with end-users by submitting them custom surveys that can be called by the Splash Portal on planned events.
Control Panel management
By clicking the Manage button it is possible to enter the application. It is possible to create a new survey, view an existing one and check what is the active survey, if any.

Adding a new survey
In order to add a new survey, it is necessary to click the Create a Survey button from the quick access toolbar. A guided procedure will help you during the operation.
In the first page, the following information is required:
- Survey name: a name for the survey, which must be unique.
- Set a time validity for this survey (optional): if wished, you can specify a time interval where the survey is valid. If you do not specify it, the survey is always valid. This value can be modified anytime.
- Welcome message: a message that is displayed to the end-user before the starting of the survey.
- Message at the end of survey: a message that is displayed to the end-user when the survey has been completed.
- Show the survey on the following event: through this option it is possible choose on which event the survey will be displayed to the end-user. The following events are available:
- Authentication: the survey is shown after the end-user has entered his access credentials. The end-user is not able to access the Internet until the survey has been completed.
- Opening page: the survey is shown immediately after the end-user is connected to the Hotspot. The end-user is not able to access the Splash Portal until the survey has been completed.
- Logout: the survey is shown immediately after the end-user clicks the Logout button. Please note that the session of the end-user is not stopped until the survey has been completed.
- Registration: the survey is shown immediately after the end-user clicks the Register button. Please note that the registration page is not shown until the survey has been completed.

In the next pages it is necessary to provide:
- Upload background image (< 1Mb): the image uploaded will be shown to the end-user as background image during the survey. This background provided is applied to all the questions of the survey and can be entered only once. It is not necessary to select it for each question.
Below it is possible to enter questions. For each question the data required are the following:
- Text of the question: this is the text displayed as question
- Response type: this is the type of answer that is required from the end-user. The available types are the following:
Survey: this is a question where the answer must be chosen by the end-user from a list. It is possible to set from 2 to 4 preset answers.
Quiz: this is a question where the end-user is required to answer Yes or No.
Voting: this is a question where the end-user is required to express a preference on a rating scale from 1 to 5.
- Form: this is a question where personal data of the end-user is asked, in order to collect survey answers. It is possible to create only one Form per survey. The following data can be asked:
- Email
- Name
- Surname
- Document Type
- Document Number
- Gender
- Date of birth
If the end-user is logged in, the system already knows this data for the end-user. In this case, the data is shown as value and the end-user has not to compile these fields.
For each question page, the following actions are available:
- Back: by clicking this button, the end-user comes back to the first page.
- Add question: by clicking this button, the selected question is added.
- Save: by clicking this button, the survey is submitted to the system.

Available actions for existing surveys
The available actions for each existing survey are the following:
- Enable: through this action the selected survey will be enabled. Please note that it is possible to enable only one survey at time. So if the action is confirmed, the previously enabled survey (if present) will be disabled.
- Delete: through this action the selected survey will be deleted.
- Edit: through this action it is possible to modify the selected survey.
- Statistics: through this action it is possible to view statistics for the selected survey. More information about statistics can be found in the "Statistics" paragraph below.

Available actions for the active survey
The available actions for the active survey (if present) are the following:
- Edit: through this action it is possible to modify the selected survey.
- Statistics: through this action it is possible to view statistics for the selected survey. More information about statistics can be found in the "Statistics" paragraph below.
- Disable: through this action the selected survey is disabled.

Statistics page collects the answers of end-users. Statistics are divided into three sections, from which it is possible to obtain data about end-users. For each section it is possible to get data for the following time intervals:
- Last 7 days
- Last 30 days
- This month
- Last month
- Custom range (any time interval wished)
In the first section there is one pie chart for each question in the survey, which indicates the answers of end-users. Below each pie chart, the number of end-users who answer the question is also indicated.

In the second section there is a line chart, which indicates the number of end-users who answered to the survey for each day. Each point of the x-Axis represents a day on the time interval selected, and the y-Axis represents the number of answers received by the system.

In the third section there is a table where each row represents a survey compiled by the end-user. The data in the columns of the table are the end-user who answered and the answers submitted to the system

Please note that in the Statistics section it is possible to export the data to a CSV file, by clicking the Export to CSV button.
The settings available for this application are:
For further information about these settings, please see Marketplace.
End-user experience
When the survey starts, the welcome message appears.

Then the end-user is asked to answer to the questions.
When the all questions have been answered, the end-user is asked to provide the personal data configured in the Control Panel.

Finally, the message at the end of survey appears. This is the last step, then the survey is closed.