Hide SSID, L2 Isolation and Beacon Interval

Hide SSID, L2 Isolation and Beacon Interval


The Hide SSID option  will “hide” the SSID, disabling it in the transmitted beacon, when enabled. This can be used to create “security by obscurity”  - in situations where the AP does not need to advertise the SSID name.

L2 Isolation                                


The L2 Isolation option will enable or disable bridging within the AP. This has the effect of not allowing a station associated to the AP to access any other station associated to the AP. This eliminates bridging between clients.

Beacon Interval                                


This option will set the AP’s beacon interval value, in milliseconds. This value determines the number of milliseconds between beacon transmissions. For the multiple VAP case, the beacons are transmitted evenly within this interval. Thus, if 4 VAPs are created  on a radio, and the beacon interval is 200 milliseconds, a beacon will be transmitted from the radio portion every 50 milliseconds, from each VAP in a round-robin fashion. The default value of the interval is 100 milliseconds.  

System load can be reduced if the beacon interval is increased. For example, backhaul links may not need such a high interval and setting it to, for example, 400 can reduce load while not compromising functionality.



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